Compozitor, solist vocal, textier, actor, autor și activist, Sting s-a născut în Newcastle, Anglia, înainte de a se muta la Londra în 1977 pentru a forma The Police cu Stewart Copeland și Andy Summers. Trupa a lansat cinci albume de studio, a câștigat șase premii GRAMMY® și două Brits și a fost inclusă în Rock and Roll Hall of Fame în 2003.
Fiind unul dintre cei mai distinși artiști solo din lume, Sting a primit alte 11 premii GRAMMY®, două Brits, un Golden Globe, un Emmy, patru nominalizări la Oscar, o nominalizare la TONY, premiul Century Award al Billboard Magazine și premiul MusiCares 2004 Person of the Year. În 2003, a fost numit Comandant al Ordinului Imperiului Britanic (CBE) de către Regina Elisabeta a II-a pentru nenumăratele sale contribuții la muzică. De asemenea, membru al Songwriters Hall of Fame, a primit Kennedy Center Honors, Premiul de merit al muzicii americane și Premiul Polar Music. Sting a fost distins cu titlul de Doctor Honoris Causa în Muzică de către Universitatea Northumbria (1992), Berklee College of Music (1994), Universitatea din Newcastle upon Tyne (2006) și Universitatea Brown la cea de-a 250-a ceremonie de absolvire (2018).
De-a lungul carierei sale ilustre, Sting a vândut 100 de milioane de albume din activitatea sa cu The Police și ca artist solo.
După albumul 57th & 9th, aclamat de critici, prima sa colecție rock/pop în peste un deceniu, Sting și Shaggy, o emblemă a muzicii reggae, ambii manageriați de Cherrytree Music Company, au lansat un album de colaborare, cu influențe insulare, intitulat 44/876, pornind de la numeroasele conexiuni surprinzătoare care se află în centrul muzicii lor. Cu un titlu care face referire la codurile țării lor de origine, 44/876 onorează în primul rând dragostea reciprocă a celor doi pentru Jamaica: țara natală a lui Shaggy și locul unde Sting a scris piese clasice precum „Every Breath You Take” a trupei The Police.
Albumul lor a debutat pe locul 1 în Germania și în Top 10 în Marea Britanie. A petrecut peste 20 de săptămâni în fruntea clasamentului Billboard Reggae Album din SUA, a obținut certificări Gold în Polonia și Franța și a primit premiul GRAMMY Award® pentru cel mai bun album reggae.
În 2019, Sting a fost premiat la BMI Pop Awards pentru hitul său de durată „Every Breath You Take”, care a devenit cel mai interpretat cântec, cu 15 milioane de difuzări la radio, din catalogul BMI de peste 14 milioane de lucrări muzicale. Cel mai recent, piesa a fost adăugată în „Billions Club” al Spotify, după ce a adunat peste 1 miliard de difuzări pe platformă.
Tot în 2019, a fost lansat un album intitulat My Songs, care cuprinde interpretări contemporane ale celor mai celebre hituri ale sale, urmat de un turneu mondial cu același nume, care va fi reluat în cursul acestui an și se va prelungi până în 2022. Turneul mondial „My Songs” al lui Sting este un spectacol dinamic și exuberant, cu cele mai îndrăgite melodii ale sale, care acoperă cariera prolifică a celui care a câștigat de 17 ori premiul GRAMMY®, alături de The Police și ca artist solo.
Cunoscut dintotdeauna ca un explorator muzical, pionier al unor genuri și stiluri, următoarea lansare a lui Sting, Duets, reunește unele dintre cele mai celebre colaborări ale sale, inclusiv cele cu Mary J. Blige, Herbie Hancock, Eric Clapton, Annie Lennox, Charles Aznavour, Mylène Farmer, Shaggy, Melody Gardot, Gashi și mulți alții.
Cel mai recent album al lui Sting, The Bridge, pune în evidență prolificitatea și diversitatea talentului său de compozitor. Scrisă și înregistrată într-un an de pandemie globală, această nouă colecție îl găsește pe Sting meditând asupra pierderilor personale, separării, perturbării, lockdownului și tulburărilor sociale și politice extraordinare. Reprezentând diferite etape și stiluri din întreaga sa carieră de neegalat și inspirându-se din genuri precum rock n’ roll, jazz, muzică clasică și folk, albumul eclectic prezintă sunetul chintesențial al lui Sting pe piese pop-rock, precum salba rock de deschidere a albumului „Rushing Water” și noua piesă cu iz indie-pop „If It’s Love”.
Cel mai recent, Sting a dat startul rezidenței sale din Las Vegas, „My Songs”, la The Colosseum at Caesars Palace. Spectacolul prezintă un compendiu al celor mai îndrăgite cântece ale sale, cu referințe dinamice și vizuale la unele dintre cele mai emblematice videoclipuri și surse de inspirație, Sting oferindu-le fanilor o serie de mari hituri care acoperă întreaga sa ilustră carieră, inclusiv „Roxanne”, „Message In A Bottle”, „Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic”, „Every Breath You Take” și alte câteva piese preferate de fani, plus cântece noi de pe viitorul său album, The Bridge.
A apărut în peste 15 filme, a fost producător executiv al aclamatului A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints, iar în 1989 a jucat în The Threepenny Opera pe Broadway. Cel mai recent proiect teatral al său este musicalul nominalizat la Tony®, The Last Ship, inspirat din amintirile sale despre comunitatea de constructori de nave din Wallsend, în nord-estul Angliei, unde s-a născut și a crescut. Spectacolul, cu muzică și versuri de Sting, a rulat pe Broadway în 2014/2015 și a încheiat un turneu regional în teatrele din Marea Britanie, care s-a desfășurat în perioada martie-iulie 2018. Ulterior, Sting a jucat rolul maistrului de șantier naval Jackie White în producția The Last Ship de la Toronto, la Princess of Wales Theatre. În 2020, el a reluat rolul pentru producții în Los Angeles, la Ahmanson Theatre, și San Francisco, la Golden Gate Theatre.
Sprijinul lui Sting pentru organizațiile pentru drepturile omului, cum ar fi Rainforest Fund, Amnesty International și Live Aid, reflectă arta sa prin amploarea sa universală. Împreună cu soția sa, Trudie Styler, Sting a fondat Rainforest Fund în 1989 pentru a proteja atât pădurile tropicale din lume, cât și populația indigenă care trăiește acolo. Împreună au organizat 19 concerte caritabile pentru a strânge fonduri și a sensibiliza populația cu privire la resursele pe cale de dispariție ale planetei noastre. De la înființarea sa, Rainforest Fund s-a extins până la o rețea de organizații interconectate care lucrează în peste 20 de țări de pe trei continente.
A zeneszerző, énekes, színész, alkotó és aktivista az angliai Newcastle-ben született. 1977-ben költözött Londonba, ahol Steward Copeland-dal és Andy Summers-szel közösen megalapította a The Police nevű zenekart. A banda 5 albumot jelentetett meg, 6 Grammy-díjat nyert, kétszer nyerte el a Brit Hanglemezgyártók Szövetségének díját és 2003-ban bekerült a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame-be.
A világ egyik legkiválóbb szólóénekeseként Sting újabb 11 alkalommal kapott Grammy-díjat, kétszer tüntették ki a Brit Hanglemezgyártók Szövetségének díjával, nyert Golden Globe és Emmy-díjat, négyszer jelölték Oscar-díjra, egyszer Tony-díjra, elnyerte a Billboard Magazine Century Award–díját és a MusiCares Év személyisége-díját 2004-ben.
2003-ban a zene világában nyújtott teljesítményének elismeréseként II. Erzsébet királynő a Brit Birodalom Rendjének parancsnoki fokozatával tüntette ki. Tagja a Dalszerző Hírességek Csarnokának, megkapta a Kennedy Központ-díját, az AMA díját és a Polar zenei díjat.
Stinget tiszteletbeli doktori címmel tüntette ki az University of Northumbria (1992), a Berklee College of Music (1994), az University of Newcastle upon Tyne (2006) és a Brown University (2018).
Rendkívüli életpályája során Sting szólóénekesként és a The Police együttes tagjaként kiadott lemezei százmilliós példányszámban keltek el.
Nagysikerű 57th & 9th című albumát követően, amely csaknem egy évtized után az első pop/rock dalgyűjtemény volt, Sting és az ugyancsak a Cherrytree Music Company által menedzselt reggae-ikon Shaggy közösen kihozták a 44/876 című albumot, melynek sziget-hangulata kettejük zenéjének meglepő összefüggéseiből táplálkozik. Az album, melynek címe a két ország nemzetközi hívószámát foglalja magába, elsősorban arra a szeretetre és tiszteletre épít, amelyet a két művész Jamaica iránt érez, Shaggy szülőföldje iránt, ahol egyébként Sting a The Police klasszikus dalát, az Every Breath You Take című számot írta. Listavezető kiadványuk az első helyen debütált Németországban és az Egyesült Királyság Top 10-es listáján. Több mint 20 héten keresztül vezette a Billboard Reggae Album toplistáját az Egyesült Államokban, arany minősítést szerzett Lengyelországban és Franciaországban, és megkapta legjobb reggae albumnak járó Grammy-díjat.
2019-ben Sting Every Breath You Take című örökzöld slágere „Leggyakrabban játszott dal” kitüntetést nyert a BMI Pop Awards díjátadón, 15 millió rádiós lejátszással, a BMI több mint 14 millió zenei alkotást tartalmazó katalógusából. Nemrég ez a dal bekerült a Spotify „Milliárdos Klubjába”, hiszen több mint 1 milliárd lejátszást gyűjtött ezen a platformon.
Ugyancsak 2019-ben jelent meg a My Songs című album, amely leghíresebb slágereinek kortárs interpretációit tartalmazza, amelyet egy azonos című világkörüli turné követett, amely idén is folytatódik és 2022-ig tart. Sting My Songs című világkörüli turnéja sodró erejű, dinamikus show, amelyben a pályafutása során 17 Grammy-díjjal kitüntetett énekesnek a The Police-ban írt, illetve szólóművészként jegyzett közkedvelt dalai egyaránt felcsendülnek
Az örökös zenei kísérletezőnek, a hangzásvilág és műfajok kreatív formálójának ismert Sting következő albuma, a Duets más művészekkel, többek között Mary J. Blige, Herbie Hancock, Eric Clapton, Annie Lennox, Charles Aznavour, Mylène Farmer, Shaggy, Melody Gardot, Gashi való zenei együttműködéseinek legkedveltebb darabjait tartalmazza.
Sting legújabb, The Bridge című, sokszínű dalszerzői tehetségét bizonyító albuma november 19-én jelenik meg világszerte. Az új dalgyűjtemény, amelyet a világjárvány első évében írt és rögzített, a személyes veszteségeket, az elválást, a szétesést, a bezártságot és a rendkívüli társadalmi és politikai zűrzavarokat jeleníti meg. Ez az eklektikus stílusú album, amelyben visszaköszönnek Sting páratlan zenei pályafutásának különböző szakaszai és stílusjegyei, a rock n’ roll, a jazz, a klasszikus zene, a folk és pop-rock műfajokból merít ihletet, a Rushing Water című nyitó szám jellegzetes rock intrójától az új, indie-pop hangzásvilágú If it’s Love című dalig.
Sting nemrég My Songs címen koncertsorozatot indított a Las Vegas-i Caesars Palace Colosseumában. A dinamikus show, amely az énekes legkedveltebb dalait gyűjti csokorba, vizuális utalással néhány ikonikus videóra, Sting kiváló zenei karrierjének olyan remekműveivel kedveskedik a rajongóknak, mint a Roxanne, a Message In A Bottle, az Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic, az Every Breath You Take, számos más közönségkedvenc és néhány vadonatúj dal új albumáról, a The Bridge-ről.
Sting több mint 15 filmben játszott, gyártásvezetője volt az A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints, (Őrangyal védtelenül) című nagysikerű filmnek és 1989-ben szerepelt a Broadway Koldusopera előadásában. Legújabb színházi projektje a Tony-díjra jelölt The Last Ship című musical, amelyet a wallsendi, észak-kelet angliai hajóépítő munkások közösségéről őrzött emlékeiből, szülőföldjének múltjából ihletődik.
Az előadást, amelynek zenéjét és szövegét egyaránt Sting írta 2014-2015-ben játszották a Broadway-en, majd 2018 márciusától júliusig Angliában turnézott. Ezután a The Last Ship torontói, Princess of Wales Theatre-ben tartott előadásán Sting játszotta Jackie White hajógyári munkás szerepét. 2020-ban Los Angelesben az Ahmanson Színházban és San Francisco-ban a Golden Gate Theatre-ben játszotta újra ezt a szerepet.
Az a mód, ahogyan Sting támogat olyan emberjogi, humanitárius szervezeteket, mint a Rainforest Fund, az Amnesty International és a Live Aid, művészetének egyetemes hatókörét tükrözi. Feleségével, Trudie Styler-rel közösen alapították 1989-ben a Rainforest Fund-ot azzal a céllal, hogy elősegítsék mind az esőerdők, mind pedig az ott élő őslakosok védelmét. Adománygyűjtési céllal 19 jótékonysági koncertet tartottak közösen, felhívva a figyelmet bolygónk veszélyeztetett erőforrásaira. A Rainforest Fund megalakulása óta három kontinensen több mint 20 országban működő, egymással összekapcsolt szervezetek hálózatává bővült.
Composer, singer-songwriter, actor, author, and activist Sting was born in Newcastle, England before moving to London in 1977 to form The Police with Stewart Copeland and Andy Summers. The band released five studio albums, earned six GRAMMY Awards® and two Brits, and was inducted into The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2003.
As one of the world’s most distinctive solo artists, Sting has received an additional 11 GRAMMY Awards®, two Brits, a Golden Globe, an Emmy, four Oscar nominations, a TONY nomination, Billboard Magazine’s Century Award, and MusiCares 2004 Person of the Year. In 2003, he was made a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) by Queen Elizabeth II for his myriad of contributions to music. Also a member of the Songwriters Hall of Fame, he has received the Kennedy Center Honors, The American Music Award of Merit and The Polar Music Prize. Sting has been awarded Honorary Doctorates of Music by the University of Northumbria (1992), Berklee College of Music (1994), University of Newcastle upon Tyne (2006) and Brown University at its 250th Commencement ceremony (2018).
Throughout his illustrious career, Sting has sold 100 million albums from his combined work with The Police and as a solo artist.
Following his critically acclaimed album, 57th & 9th, his first rock/pop collection in over a decade, Sting and reggae icon, Shaggy, both managed by the Cherrytree Music Company, released a collaborative, island-influenced album, entitled 44/876, drawing from the many surprising connections at the heart of their music. With its title referencing their home country codes, 44/876 first and foremost honors the duo’s mutual love for Jamaica: Shaggy’s homeland, and the place where Sting penned such classics as The Police’s “Every Breath You Take.” Their chart-topping release debuted at #1 in Germany and Top 10 in the UK. It spent over 20 weeks atop Billboard’s Reggae Album chart in the US, earned Gold certifications in Poland and France and received the GRAMMY Award® for Best Reggae Album.
In 2019, Sting was honoured at the BMI Pop Awards for his enduring hit single “Every Breath You Take,” which has become the Most Performed Song, with 15 million radio plays, from BMI’s catalog of over 14 million musical works. Most recently, the song was added to Spotify’s ‘Billions Club,’ having amassed over 1 billion streams on the platform.
Also in 2019, an album entitled My Songs, featuring contemporary interpretations of his most celebrated hits, was released and followed by a world tour of the same name, which will resume later this year and extend through 2022. Sting’s ‘My Songs’ World Tour is a dynamic and exuberant show featuring his most beloved songs spanning the 17-time GRAMMY Award® winner’s prolific career with The Police and as a solo artist.
Always known as a musical explorer, pioneering genre-bending sounds and collaborations, Sting’s next release Duets, compiles some of his most celebrated collaborations, including those with Mary J. Blige, Herbie Hancock, Eric Clapton, Annie Lennox, Charles Aznavour, Mylène Farmer, Shaggy, Melody Gardot, Gashi and more.
Sting’s latest album, The Bridge, showcases his prolific and diverse songwriting prowess. Written and recorded in a year of global pandemic, this new collection finds him ruminating on personal loss, separation, disruption, lockdown, and extraordinary social and political turmoil. Representing various stages and styles from throughout his unrivaled career and drawing inspiration from genres including rock n’ roll, jazz, classical music and folk, the eclectic album features Sting’s quintessential sound on pop-rock tracks such as the album’s opening rock salvo “Rushing Water” and new indie-pop sounding “If It’s Love.”
Most recently, Sting kicked off his Las Vegas residency, “My Songs,” at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace. The show presents a compendium of his most beloved songs with dynamic, visual references to some of his most iconic videos and inspirations with Sting treating fans to an array of greatest hits spanning his illustrious career, including “Roxanne,” “Message In A Bottle,” “Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic,” “Every Breath You Take” and several other fan favorites, plus brand new songs from his forthcoming album, The Bridge.
He has appeared in more than 15 films, executive produced the critically acclaimed A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints, and in 1989 starred in The Threepenny Opera on Broadway. His most recent theatre project is the Tony®-nominated musical The Last Ship, inspired by his memories of the shipbuilding community of Wallsend in the northeast of England where he was born and raised. The show, with music and lyrics by Sting, ran on Broadway in 2014/2015 and completed a UK regional theatre tour which ran from March-July 2018. Thereafter, Sting starred as shipyard foreman Jackie White in the Toronto-based production of The Last Ship at the Princess of Wales Theatre. In 2020, he reprised the role for productions in Los Angeles at the Ahmanson Theatre and San Francisco at the Golden Gate Theatre.
Sting’s support for human rights organizations such as the Rainforest Fund, Amnesty International, and Live Aid mirrors his art in its universal outreach. Along with wife Trudie Styler, Sting founded the Rainforest Fund in 1989 to protect both the world’s rainforests and the indigenous people living there. Together they have held 19 benefit concerts to raise funds and awareness for our planet’s endangered resources. Since its inception, the Rainforest Fund has expanded to a network of interconnected organizations working in more than 20 countries over three continents.